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Contemporary modern dance for beginners
Learning to dance from the first step

Come and meet us: A free introductory class will be held on Monday 15.7.24 at 18:15

Course dates: Mondays 18:15 to 21:30 | 15.7.24 – 30.9.24 | 11 sessions

Teachers: Keren Segal and Atalia Baumer
*(The links leads to the Hebrew site)*

Who is it for: The course is designed for beginners – those who have never danced, those who danced in the past and stopped, and those with minimal dance background.
Information about the course:
If dancing has always been a dream you haven’t fulfilled, if you wanted but didn’t dare, thought it’s too late – this course will prove to you that it’s possible!
A contemporary modern dance course for beginners allows you to learn dance from the basics, in a closed and supportive group, without judgment. A place where you can make mistakes, experiment, fall and leap, roll, sweat, and leave every lesson feeling successful.
The course is structured progressively and tailored to the group. Starting from the basics; getting familiar with the body, the studio, working in a group and in space, in addition to elements from the modern dance world that emphasize proper posture, essential positions for dance work, emphasis on body shape and structure in space, as well as developing musicality and using various rhythms and tempos.
Later on, the course progresses to more complex and deep work, with techniques from contemporary dance including floor work, expanding in space, use of momentum, and qualities of softness versus strength. The course provides tools and basic principles in developing each dancer’s movement language, alongside improving flexibility and strength built from lesson to lesson.
The contemporary modern dance course for beginners is intended for those who have never danced before, those who danced in the past and stopped, and those with minimal dance background.
The course consists of two consecutive lessons with two teachers, complementing each other in their approaches and personal interpretation of the contemporary dance world. This way, students gain a rich and enveloping experience of a variety of up-to-date dance techniques and styles.
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