Home > All Courses > Contemporary Modern Dance Intermediate
Contemporary Modern Dance Intermediate
A Contemporary Dance Course for Those with a Dance Background

Come and Meet: A free and non-committal introductory class will be held on Monday 3.3.25 at 19:30

Course Dates: Mondays 19:30-21:30 | 3.3.25-30.6.25 | 16 sessions

Teacher : Omer Uziel

Who is it for: This course is intended for individuals with approximately one year of dance study experience who wish to continue deepening, refining, and improving their skills, developing strength and flexibility, and learning contemporary techniques. The course is suitable for graduates of the annual “Dance Beginners” course in the group.
Course Information:
The course designed for individuals with over a year of dance study experience who wish to continue deepening, refining, and improving their skills, developing strength and flexibility, and learning contemporary techniques in a guided process, personal attention, and working in a group that progresses together.
In the Intermediate Contemporary Dance course, we will engage in technical work from various movement languages, learn to warm up the joints, move and dance through body awareness, and understand different movement qualities: softness, sharpness, heaviness, lightness, and density. We will practice longer movement sequences (combinations), strengthen movement memory, and learn to bring more freedom and self-expression within the structure of the movement sequences.
Additionally, we will explore slow and fast movement, learn to generate more energy in the body, and gain more control over what the body knows how to do. We will practice entering and exiting the floor and learn to create more softness in the body when working with the floor and gravity. We will explore efficient use of our weight, how to move with an understanding of skeletal structure rather than muscular effort, work on musicality and rhythm sense, and see how rhythm drives us.
At a more advanced stage of the Intermediate Contemporary Dance course, we will also focus on working with a group: how to listen to ourselves and the group while moving, how to synchronize our pace with the room’s rhythm, and how to draw inspiration, energy, and knowledge from others through movement and non-verbal communication. We will strive to free ourselves from preconceived thoughts or judgments about our body and movement. We will dance, express, sweat, and enjoy together.
Each session lasts two hours,
The course is structured progressively and tailored to the group. We start with the basics: getting to know the body, the studio, working in a group and space, and elements from the modern dance world that emphasize proper posture, essential positions for a dancer’s work, focus on body shape and structure in space, as well as developing musicality and using different counts and rhythms.
As we progress, we move on to more complex and in-depth work, incorporating contemporary dance techniques such as floor work, spatial expansion, using momentum, and qualities of softness versus strength. The course provides basic tools and principles for developing each dancer’s movement language while improving flexibility and strength built from class to class.
The course consists of two consecutive classes with two teachers who complement each other in their approaches and personal interpretations of the contemporary dance world. This way, students enjoy a rich and comprehensive experience of various up-to-date dance techniques and styles.