Home > The Full Program – First year
The Full Program - First year
Focusing on learning a variety of techniques
The studies in the first year of the full program
In the first year of the full program, we focus on learning a variety of dance techniques through which students gain a broad range of abilities in the body: students work on flexibility, strength, coordination, floor work, articulation, momentum work, precision, musicality, kinesthetic memory, the ability to change qualities within movement (performance versatility), and more.
Throughout the year, students work with six dedicated teachers who teach fundamental techniques, and each month they meet an additional teacher who conducts an enrichment workshop on various topics. In each class, they work on different qualities, deepening and refining their abilities through diverse and challenging practice.
The first year builds a dance foundation in the body that can be expanded and deepened further, characterized by hard work and enjoyment alongside significant familiarity with a group that provides a pleasant, enabling, and safe working environment.
Ballet – classical dance:
In the program, the fundamental ballet technique is taught from the very beginning, with a focus on core aspects such as breath control, floor work, musicality, strength, lengthening and releasing, alignment and posture, hand work, jumps and landings, spatial awareness, and more.
Contemporary dance
Contemporary dance is an incredibly diverse and rich field that draws from various dance techniques throughout history, creating a wide range of capabilities. Students in the program work with two different teachers, with one focusing on floor work technique and the other emphasizing footwork and jumps. In every class, we work on coordination, release, core/peripheral work, strength, kinesthetic memory, rhythm, musicality, and more.
In improvisation classes, we learn to improvise both individually and in groups. Through various exercises, we explore our weaker capabilities, learn to work with “scores” – movement structures with changing rules, practice non-verbal movement communication in a group, work on our timing, surprise ourselves, create space for our creativity, and develop our unique dance language as dancers.
Contact improvisation:
In Contact Improvisation technique, we learn to work with a partner in a spontaneous duet of movement that is created in the moment. The technique involves working with a partner while creating a communication based on trust, listening, and a shared safe space. From the basics, we learn how to integrate contact dance, leaning, weight transfers, while using floor work, inverted poses, and light acrobatic elements.
In yoga classes, we focus on creating focus and learn to work with breath, core strength, legs and arms, coordination, flexibility, and more.
Nutrition for Dancers
In a brief workshop, we will explore different food groups and learn about supportive nutrition for dancers’ bodies.
Anatomy and Injury Prevention
We will become familiar with the basic structure of the body and skeleton, common injuries, and strengthening exercises to prevent them.
History of Dance
We will learn about the history of Western dance, including classical, modern, contemporary, conceptual dance, dance theater, Israeli dance, points in time and place.
Modern Jazz – We will learn the fundamentals of the technique, move with a lot of emotion and drama, and dance with full expression.
We will learn basic steps and draw inspiration from the playful and acrobatic world of Capoeira.
African Dance
A workshop full of rhythm, where we will learn steps, movements, and new coordination, focusing heavily on the hips and enjoying thrilling musicality.
Video Dance
We will explore the artistic medium of video dance and try our hand at creating group video dances.
Studies’ structure
First year’s students work throughout the year for three days a week, with four lessons each day. They work with 6 dedicated teachers who teach contemporary and modern dance, ballet, improvisation, contact improvisation, and yoga. Each lesson takes place twice a week – except for yoga, which occurs once a week – allowing deep learning experience. Additionally, Every week, there is also an enrichment workshop in another area.
The group is mostly composed of students with diverse backgrounds, including previous experience in various dance styles, sports, performing arts such as circus, theater, or music, and also individuals without prior dance experience. The teaching team specializes in creating lessons that accommodate a variety of backgrounds and focuses on promoting each student’s progress regardless of their starting point in the dance world.
Each group has a coordinator who serves as a connection to the school, and group and individual meetings are held throughout the year.
The first year is divided into two groups on different days: a large group (20-25 students) that works on Sundays, Tuesdays and on Thursdays. The second group is a smaller group (10-15 students) that works on Mondays, Tuesdays and on Thursdays

Come and meet us: An open day to get acquainted with the program will take place on Thursday, May 9, 2024, from 10:15 to 14:00 and will include a dance lesson and a meeting with students and graduates.

Duration of the program: Three times a week from 08:30 to 16:15
In addition, each student will attend an evening course tailored for them according to the professional team’s recommendation of the school.

Who is it for: The program is designed for individuals who want to make dance a central part of their lives. It is suitable for beginners with no dance background, those who danced in the past and stopped, and those with a dance background.
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